Friday, May 30, 2008


What's your socio-emotional age? I'm beginning to think that my maturity level is really between age 12 and 14. My reasoning is that kids are usually the only ones willing to go for my crazy ideas. There's "Rock Running," which is more like running over boulders, but rock sounds better. Then there's the annual bike ride. I spent Memorial Day on a 20 mile bike ride with my youngest brother and cousins (age 12 & 14 of course). We pushed on through the WIND, RAIN, lightning/thunder, SLEET, HAIL, and once in awhile the sunshine. Through it all, we chanted, "Can we do it? Yes we can, whoop!" This was quite the accomplishment, considering that two bikes got flat tires along the way. I'm glad I have people in my life who are good sports.
Hello all,

I thought I'd start a blog, though I don't know much about this sort of thing. It's a good thing Blogspot makes it easy :)

Until a few weeks ago, I was planning on writing a book about being single- amidst a culture that sees this status as something to fix. Then I read over what I had written, and it's a bit too cheesy, even for me. I figured blogging works just as well, if not better because there are no publishers or editors involved. Consider this fair warning that I might start venting about comments people make, or write advice for married people who want to set their single: friends/neighbors/relatives/strangers they just met- up on a date! I might even write about the joys of "singlehood," which some people seem to think should end a year after high school. With that said, welcome to my blog. Enjoy the upcoming posts.