Monday, August 31, 2009

We want s'more, we want s'more, we want s'more!

"First you take the graham, you stick the chocolate on the graham. Then you roast the 'mallow. When the 'mallows flaming... you stick it on the chocolate. Then cover with the other end. Then you scarf. Kind of messy, but good!" Ham Porter in The Sandlot.

We've been talking about having a s'more party for awhile, mainly because most of the people from other countries haven't had them before... and we finally got around to it! It's a good thing we did, because Erica is leaving next week. I'm glad she got to experience this great American tradition before she left :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

I've tried saving/uploading some of my family's CD songs- from 2003- but can't figure another way to do it besides this. One great thing about my family is that we love to sing together. We grew up learning to harmonize, probably to keep us from fighting in the car! Now we still like to go caroling, which has turned into an Olympic event lately. We stay out late during the holiday season, going from house to house to sing a few songs. Our big production night is Christmas Eve, and I'm sorry if we missed you last year! It's PARTLY (not all) my fault.

Now that everyone is moving away from home, and raising their own families, we don't have as much time to learn new songs- but we did make a new recording this last Christmas. That was quie the experience. I'll upload a song as soon as I get a copy!

Pretty much the same pictures, but I like the song better.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Lists, just to write them:

Food I buy, because it doesn't come with the employee meal, or I get hungry after 4:30 pm and want a snack:

  • Peanut Butter, Honey, and good bread
  • Yogurt!
  • an Avocado or two
  • crackers and frosting
  • candy bars :)


Things I say for check ins:

  • Here is a room charge card if you'd like to charge things to the room
  • Please put your car make/model, license plate number, and sign at the bottom
  • Do you have your credit card that you made the reservation with? Would you like incidentals charged to this card?
  • We have some coupons for some of the activities in the park: Buffalo Jeep Safari ride, horse riding, or boat rentals which we have here at Sylvan Lake
  • The dining room and the store are open from 7 am until 9 pm
  • You get to the lake by driving back out to the main road, taking two lefts, and no, you can't see the lake from here- too many trees!
  • Enjoy your stay :D

Things I wish I could say, after they are checked in:

  • If you have complaints, please just leave instead of yelling at me!
  • Who raised you to act like that?
  • No, I haven't been to every restaurant within 100 miles- I'm not as rich as you :)
  • Are you kidding me? You're really complaining about that room?
  • This is the wilderness, there are bugs.

Things I do say:

  • Yes, this area is beautiful, and yes, it's nice to work here.
  • I'm from Utah, have you heard of Cedar City?
  • thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed your stay, that the room was great, and the service wonderful.
  • The bathrooms are right behind you- we try to hide them.
  • Yes, we have bedding and housekeepers!


Why a guy should date me:

  • I'm fun-
  • I like to laugh and make others laugh
  • I'm righteous (according to Tyler from the branch, lol)
  • I like to do little things like leave notes or surprises around
  • My idea of the perfect date is April 25 because it's not too hot and not too cold.
  • I like simple things, and don't need a lot to make me happy.

Why it might not be so fun to date me:

  • I don't know how to cook very well- blame my (past) feminist ideals, or laziness.
  • Emotional baggage.
  • I tend to fight back, and don't mind bring up touchy topics.
  • I write on a blog for the world (or at least the three readers that I have) to read!

Reasons why I have moved a lot:

  • I like variety
  • I choose jobs that nobody would want to do for a long time, so I need a break by trying something new.
  • You can reinvent yourself every time you move- though I'm pretty sure I've come to the point that I'm pretty much the same no matter where I go.
  • I like staying in a place long enough to find the less touristy spots- this sometimes takes awhile.
  • I've needed a break from school- who wants to go all in a row??

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ha Ha

A conversation between a wedding guest and a front desk clerk:
Clerk: "How did everything go?"
Guest: "Well, the bartender poured the drinks too strong, so I got drunk, and they put make up on my face and took pictures! I guess I had a good time. I blame the bartender." (He happens to be an old man, with grey hair and a beard.)

:D Good times just keep rolling around here :D

Monday, August 17, 2009

I think I used to be funny

All right, I haven't made any observations about the "single world" for awhile- so I thought you'd all get a kick out of this one:

Sister Hinton, the sweet/silly 1/2 of a couple missionary pair said something like this to me yesterday: "Let me know when you start dating, because I keep telling a certain boy that he should date you!" She wouldn't tell me which certain boy it was, just that she told him I was a jem or something like that, and that she wanted to see us together. She said that the poor guy, who I can only assume had a strange look on his face said, "Have you prayed about it???" I just have to shake my head, but if I start dating a certain nameless person, I'll let you know if it's him! Maybe he'll ask me on a date by saying," Hey, Sister Hinton thinks we should get married, wanna go to a movie??" You gotta laugh :D

Oh and funny quote for the month: "Why am I the bad guy, I'm advocating ADVENTURE!" By Mark Hanhardt. I love my friends.

Good Times

Well, last week was pretty hard... I am no longer surprised that I seem to be experiencing the highest highs (missionary moments), and lowest lows (complaints turning into personal attacks) while at Sylvan. For some reason, if I don't make it down to Rapid to be among other members, I feel like I'm slowly dying spiritually. I wasn't able to make it there as much as usual, and I could feel the difference. I finally got to the lower elevation (is that the secret?) yesterday, and today has been fantastic. Lest you think that I spend my time sitting in my room, reading sad books, and crying my eyes out, I thought I'd post this.

Highlights of the week:

John Bytheway came to Rapid City to speak! It's not that big of a deal, if you're in the "Mormon Belt," but here people travelled for two hours just to hear him speak. It's interesting that an average event in one place, can be a once-in-a-lifetime, long remembered thing. I went away from his fireside feeling like I could do anything, and that things really work out.

I washed dishes for a function on Saturday= always fun. It's nice to do for a break, though I wouldn't want to do it full time :)

I got a new roommate from Tiawan (I seem to be shooing them out, because she's my third of the summer). She's very nice, works as a hostess which is different, but probably good because we won't go on and on about drama at the front desk. We're planning a smore party, because she's never tried it before.

I talked to my Filipino friends, and we have an appointment for the missionaries to visit and teach up here at Sylvan!!!! I've never had that happen before, and I'm extremely excited. I know that Hera and Chris are interested in learning about a lot of religions, so it should be nice. I told a friend that I may be getting jipped, money-wise, but I'm being paid with "spiritual treasures." Too true.

I didn't want to come home Sunday night, so I stayed at the couple missionary's house- the Hintons from Hurricane. They are so sweet and kind, making me feel at home the day I met them :D I'll probably stay over again! Then I went to Mark H's sister's FHE, which turned out to be a married couple with a 2 year old, along with four single people. It's such a blessing to be included in a real family, even if it was only for a few hours. I loved the family prayer- I miss praying out loud with others. It's always interesting what you miss...

I woke up early today at the Hinton's apartment, and decided to drive home. I got my laundry done, and I jogged around the lake. I climbed up to "my spot," all by myself at the tops of the mountains- at least it feels that way. It's been a great day!

I feel blessed.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Sturgis Rally

Every year thousands of motor-bikers meet at a rally in South Dakota for a week of fun. There was a constant rumble every time I went outside, traffic was hectic (Hill City blocked off Main Street to vehicles besides bikes, and Custer turned two lanes into bike parking lots, it was amazing.), and debauchery abounded- actually I didn't see any, even though people went on and on about the lack of clothes that I would see. I found it all to be one big adventure, but I didn't actually go to the town of Sturgis. My Branch Pres. said it wouldn't be a good idea, but I didn't plan on it anyway- so it was all good. Really, now that it's been about a week since the bikers have gone home, I miss them. We had hardly any complaints the whole week they were here! I guess if you brave all sorts of weather, with little covering, you have to be a pretty mellow person. I heart bikers!

From August 2009

From August 2009
Custer City Parking.

From August 2009
Needles Highway

From August 2009

From August 2009

Farewell. We'll miss you!

Musings of a Melancholy Sort.

Today has been a bit cloudy and it started to rain as I got in my car on my way to work. It's the perfect weather for pondering.

I was supposed to be going on another hike to Harney Peak, the highest peak in the area, but after waiting by the lake for awhile, and not seeing the other girl (who is leaving next week and hasn't hiked it yet), I went home. There was a note on my door saying that she was in the store- so we were both waiting for the other one, but not knowing where to look. So we didn't go! Instead I got out my book that I've been reading, about two girls who were in a car accident. One died and one was in a coma, and their identities were mistaken. Their families went for FIVE WEEKS not knowing that their daughter wasn't where they thought they were. It's sooo sad, yet uplifting at the same time. Both families are strong Christians, and they were examples to the world, bring others to Christ through their pain.

I seriously started bawling more than once as I read of their experiences. What would it be like to loose a family member to death? I haven't had that experience yet, and hope that it never comes. Beyond that subject, the book made me think about my life. The girl who mostly recovered from the coma (you can't ever be the same after something like that) felt like she needed to do some great thing for God- to show that it was a good thing that she miraculously made it, and to honor the five people who died in the crash. One of her friends showed her the story of Elisha in the Bible, where it talks about God not being in the earthquake, or the strong wind, but the still small voice. The girl finally realized that she didn't need to do something heroic, but to let God whisper through her life. This affected me deeply. I've always wanted to do the same, do some great thing that would bring people flocking to the gospel, or to make such an impact on others that they'll never be the same again. Really, I don't think that this is what Heavenly Father needs from me. If no one ever gets baptized into the church because of me, if there is not a statue/school/road named after me, and even if orphans in Africa aren't able to have food because I was there- Still I know that I've done my best to follow the teachings of Christ, and I've tried to help others while in this life. Maybe I'll never do anything really great in this life, but I've gone where the Lord told me to go, and harder: not gone where really REALLY wanted to go, because I felt that it wasn't right. Maybe there is greatness in the small and simple things.

Sometimes I just wonder, is my life acceptable? Am I all that I need to be? Is my offering enough?

Then, another thing from the book- which is pretty awful to realize. The boyfriend of the girl who died, but they thought was in the coma, was so thoughtful and kind. I really started to cry when I thought of my dating past: I've NEVER dated someone like that (at least not with all of his qualities). It seems that those who broke my heart left the second anything went wrong, and they didn't seem to have a thought about how I might feel. It was a pretty melancholy moment. Maybe the point of it is that I am still single, because I haven't found someone like that. Maybe that time will come. It reemphasized the fact that I'm old, and a lot of concerns that I have now, never really crossed my mind when I was 20 ish.

It is good and bad to be older, because now I have more to look for:
Is he addicted to anything?
How does he treat me when I'm sick?
What is it like when we disagree? How does he deal with arguments?
Is he controlling?
Can he handle my roller coaster emotions? Or will he consider me stupid?
Will he push my boundaries in the chastity realm?
How will he take the hard conversations that are bound to come up?
Is he really dedicated to the gospel, or is it just a season in his life?
If I marry him, will he expect me to work?
Does he want kids? More than three? How does he feel about foster care?
Is he obsessed with gaming?
How does he deal with money? Can we communicate about it???
and now... What if I were in a coma? How long would he stick around?

Seriously, I could probably go on, but won't. I think that all I thought about back in the day was, "does he like to dance?" and, "can I talk to him?"

I hope there is someone around who is like that guy in the book. It was awfully sad when he found out the girl he loved had already died. :'(

Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Plans

New plans-
~Apply to Grad School- at the West River Higher Education Center, which has college/grad programs from state schools all over SD, in one convenient place, conveniently where I plan on moving :D
~ Finish the season on October 18th- ish. ~ Hang out with Sheri and her kids when she comes to visit !!!!!!!
~ Ride home with Sheri, and spend a couple of weeks in UT
~ Fly back to Rapid City, SD
~ Start a new job, move to a new place, and ENJOY Rapid!

Things I look forward to in the big city (it's about the size of St. George):

1. Driving only about 15 itsy bitsy minutes to church/Target/Redbox
2. NOT hearing drama every day about who is sleeping with who, NOT hearing swear words every other second, and NOT dealing with whiny spoiled guests.
4. Better pay, hopefully :)
5. Making my own food - I miss the weirdness

Things I'll miss:
1. Missionary opportunities- I've never given away so many Books of Mormon :D
2. My friends- it's not likely that I'll see the internationals again, unless they come back to Sylvan next year, and I come visit.
3. The quiet solitude/hiking opportunities right outside my door.
4. No stoplights, or very much traffic!

Monday, August 10, 2009


I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alo-o-one
So hurry up and get here
get here.
I'm so lonely,
I've got nobody
To call my own.
Crazy for feeling so lonely.
I-i-I'm crazy
Crazy for feelin so blue.

That's all the songs I can think of for now, but I'm sure there's more where that came from :)

Today I'm wondering if I'll be living this single Mormon's life forever. Sometimes it gets a little old. I counted the other day, and after 25 moves, 22 jobs, and dating more than a few guys in the past ten years- I'm feeling ready for a change, to my ever-changing life. Maybe I'm ready to turn in my "running shoes?" But that idea scares me more than a little bit. Can I really handle staying one place? What is God's plan for me?????

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Night Auditor part 2.

What does a night auditor do with her time?

and this

And best of all- this...
Don't you wish you were here to party with me????