Friday, August 14, 2009

Sturgis Rally

Every year thousands of motor-bikers meet at a rally in South Dakota for a week of fun. There was a constant rumble every time I went outside, traffic was hectic (Hill City blocked off Main Street to vehicles besides bikes, and Custer turned two lanes into bike parking lots, it was amazing.), and debauchery abounded- actually I didn't see any, even though people went on and on about the lack of clothes that I would see. I found it all to be one big adventure, but I didn't actually go to the town of Sturgis. My Branch Pres. said it wouldn't be a good idea, but I didn't plan on it anyway- so it was all good. Really, now that it's been about a week since the bikers have gone home, I miss them. We had hardly any complaints the whole week they were here! I guess if you brave all sorts of weather, with little covering, you have to be a pretty mellow person. I heart bikers!

From August 2009

From August 2009
Custer City Parking.

From August 2009
Needles Highway

From August 2009

From August 2009

Farewell. We'll miss you!

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