Saturday, April 25, 2009
The exhaustion (where you can't do anything but sit and stare at the wall) came back, yuck... I applied to a couple of places, and realized that I should have thought of it a lot earlier because most seasonal places start in May, not look over applications in May... My face is "Zit Face of America" worthy... I think I've gained 5 lbs this week alone :P I just read over some old posts, and it dawned on me that 5 short months ago, I had an amazing life (I was busy with a split shift job, dating, hanging out with friends most every day, etc.)! It's crazy how fast that can seem to change ... yesterday was the weirdest of them all:
I went to my cousin's dance concert, and after that there was an institute dance. I randomly decided to go, even though I knew everyone would be about 8 years younger than me... it was weird!!! They really were that young! It was actually okay, but I had to keep telling myself to take it easy, so I wouldn't put myself back into sleep mode. I decided I'd go home, and thought of the Enoch Stake Singles' dance. My friend, who is only a couple of years older than me asked if I wanted to go once, so I thought it would be more my age... only when I got there everyone had grey hair! Seriously, they could be my parents, if not grandparents!!!! They played probably two songs that I recognized, and uncomfortable doesn't describe the feeling I had. This one guy made a bee-line for me right when I walked in the door and wouldn't leave my side the entire time. He had a graying beard for crying out loud, and I know I look younger than I am so it's like this old guy flirting with a 23 year old! Ick. I finally said that I thought my friend would be there, but she wasn't, so I was going to go home. Come to think of it she said she goes to the ones in ST GEORGE because they're better...
I now feel like I don't fit in anywhere, either with the youngin's or the old fogies. Isn't there anyone left in-between besides me? ? ? ? All I can say is that I hope with every fiber of my being that I never fit in at a dance like that. If I'm 50 and single, I'll cut my losses and bide my time for the Celestial Kingdom. Ok, to be truthful, if I were their age I might have had fun. Some couples looked really cute, and note this: both people were about the same age :)
Right now the moving jitters are coming on strong. I thought I'd like it in Cedar forever, but I think I'll go crazy if I spend another week like this last one. I'm running out of ideas of things to do, and even Facebook time can only last so long. I'm definitely not the the point I was before moving to Flagstaff (see timeline post), where I just left -without any hopes for a job or place to live! Thank goodness my cousin Devin and Lisa lived there and let me stay with them for a few days :-) This time I might just get a job and place to live BEFORE I move. Unless I attend another dance... That could put me over the edge.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Counting to Ten
One: candle that's sitting beside me on the table. Ever tried Toffee? It's heavenly.
Two: the number of simple things I did today (weeding and exercising for one little hour) that put me on the exhaustion route. Do I seriously have to take it easy for the rest of my life?
Three: Places I'm thinking of moving next, while keeping my fingers crossed for South Dakota!!!
Four: The number of times I've eaten a hand-full of chocolate chips today :D
Five: fruits and veggies today- I can do it, I can do it :D
Six: books I need to get reading before they're overdue again!
Seven: The chapter I'm reading in Mormon. Can you think of anything more sad than an entire civilization wiped out because of pride/sin??? It makes me look at myself in a different way.
Eight: The number of nieces and nephews I have! And yes, they are all cute.
Nine: the times I've smiled today as I thought of starting a blog for Cindy, and influencing Kristy in starting one too. I knew you guys would do it someday!
Ten: The number of worms I found while weeding the grass today (my new project. My dad has planted grass in this crazy place many times, and it always gets overrun. Not this year! I never realized it was so nice sitting out in the sunshine, doing something where you can actually see progress), Eeekkk! but at least it's not Earwigs :P
Five Thousand, six hundred and sixty nine: The number of times I felt frustrated at this unbelievably slow computer, as I tried to make simple changes to a blog! I do like yellow though :-)
The campfire FHE that kept growing and growing...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Girl's Day Out!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Facebook Status Updates
Besides the THREE I already posted today, these are the others that come tumbling into my head:
~Carrie: can't wait until she's so busy that she'll only be able to check Facebook once a week!
~Carrie: is going to upload Emily's prom pictures before she even gets home from her date.
~Carrie: Is going to do Annie's hair because updo's are calling my name. Maybe we'll even dress up in formals! (dressing up didn't happen, but I spent probably 1 1/2 hr playing with hair. It almost looked presentable!)
~Carrie: is feeling replaced :(
~Carrie: is feeling like her life is being lived by reliving her old lives. Did I use "life" too many times? Does anyone else feel like they don't have one?
~Carrie: just found out that her little bro Darren's scout camp is only an hour away if she moves to South Dakota. How cool would that be?
~Carrie: just added some cool songs to her blog's playlist.
~Carrie: had the best girls day out! Hannah Montana was better than I thought it would be.
~Carrie: is glad Em. finally got to go on a girls day with us!
~Carrie: is absolutely loving the SNOWLESS- blue skies- green grass weather.
~ Carrie: wonders what her family will do when she's gone and won't be there to take pictures of everything?
~ Carrie: thinks it would be fun to dance :D
~Carrie: thinks one of God's greatest gift to humans is a sense of humor.
~Carrie: loves the scriptures, though Mormon-Moroni is really hard on the emotions.
~Carrie: is soo ready for a hike!
~Carrie: watched "Luther" the other day (about Martin Luther in the 1500's), and 1. realizes how much she's forgotten about history, 2. realized how much we take the bible for granted, 3. realized once again that I am so grateful for the restoration!
~Carrie: is wondering how are you doing?
~Carrie is wigging out that someone only three years older than me has 5 naturally born kids! Reality bites sometimes, but then again isn't that what reality is for?
~ Holy Carole! I absolutely love the highlights of General Conference. It even beats "Fireproof in 60" for a spiritual fix...
~Carrie: misses Steph and Ang. My sisters hardly even laughed at "Expiration Date!" Maybe it's because we didn't drink pink milk while watching..
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Three Little Smarty Pants!
This is my niece Elina. She's two and already knows scientific terms :D
This is Kaden, in Feb. 2009
Jenna, after Ryan asked,"What does a duck say?"
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
"While I'm waiting" to figure out what to do with my life, this is what I've been doing: Movie
I remembered that my friend Abigail told me about a "Cloud Appreciation Society" awhile ago, and I decided to look it up again... I love clouds, and have a million old pictures of them by themselves. What can I say, they amaze me with the shifting colors/shapes. Cumulonimbus, Alto Cumulus, and especially Lenticular clouds make me happy :D I was excited to find that there are others like me out there, and now I can see pics of clouds from all over the world!!
The funniest thing on the site is that there is such a thing as a "Cloud Bar" which is actually an outdoor, cloud spotting place (no drinks served)! I think I'll travel to the beach in England just to say that I went there. Ha ha. I have to include a picture from it. Notice the formation he's sitting on is the shape of a cloud. There's also a fun quiz to see if you know your types of clouds... How'd you do?
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Spring Break
I heart snap dragons :D
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I got this from Chalise's blog:
1. Who was your FIRST prom date?
I don't think I went to prom, ... oh wait, we had our own in the George Wythe parking lot, I love my high school friends!
2. FIRST date?
Jason Fielding. I was so shy, I don't think I said much the entire evening. Yes, I was once quiet. What happened you may ask? Ummm, things change? I was always a loud person waiting for the opportune moment to let out my loudness (but I still get intimidated by gorgeous, nice, and talented people, like Tana!)
3. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?
Heck NO! I accidentally walked into a newly married ward, saw him with his new wife, and freaked out! I left as fast as I could, hoping he didn't recognize me.
4. What was your FIRST job?
paper route. My sisters and I covered the whole town of Paragoonah, and most of the time we were responsible 7-9 year olds... except that time Rescue Rangers debuted! Sorry Paragoonah residents who got your papers a few hours late :(
5. What was your FIRST car? Mandy, the sometimes working car. I can't explain it, but if you'd let it sit for awhile, it would start!
6. Who was the FIRST person to text you today? Text? I'll have to change that to Facebook comment, because I have a limited texting plan- Christy commented on a photo, does that count?
7. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning? Probably Shawn Spencer from "Psych." I think I want to marry somebody like him, since I'm assuming he's not LDS, too rich for me, and really, who can keep up with his wit?
8. Who was your FIRST grade teacher? Mrs. Dubek, I still remember that great Christmas project :D
9. Who was your FIRST Kiss? Caleb Kritzer, when I was 5. If you want a real, when I'm older kiss, that I actually wanted: same as my first love, Jeremy.
10. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane? Tucson AZ (I read it Tuck-son), when I moved to St. David, AZ at 16.
11. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk? Probably my sisters, we didn't have our own separate identities until after elementary :) Outside the fam? Karla Thornton. No, I don't know where she is!
12. Where was your FIRST sleepover? Jennifer Elgen, she went to be so early! I don't think we ever had a real bed time.
13. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today? Some sibling or other, my mind was a little foggy.
14. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning? read my scriptures, yeah, that doesn't always happen first thing!
15. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to? I'm not really a concert goer, but if you count people singing at the institute: Ryah Shupe and the Rubber Band. I was shocked to hear their song on the radio!
16. FIRST piercing? Don't have any.
17. FIRST foreign country you've been to? We walked across the border to Mexico when I was 8.
18. FIRST movie you remember seeing? In the theater? I remember Pinocchio and Pete's Dragon, but can't remember which was first.
19. When was your FIRST detention? Didn't happen, though in kindergarten I had to put my head on my desk for a long time, because me and a friend were "twirling" inside.
20. What was the FIRST state you lived in?UT
21. Who was your FIRST roommate? That would have to be my cousin Heidi Scott, Jen Black, and I forgot her name! Those basement apartments sure are memorable :)
22. What happened the FIRST time you were pulled over driving? Did you get a ticket? I got pulled over for being perdittles a couple of times, but one time I got pulled over for speeding and got a ticket. I was so flustered, that it didn't go well. Then there's my brother Skot. He speeds all the time, has gotten pulled over tons, and doesn't have ONE TICKET on his record. Yes, I'm bitter.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Book excerpts- exceedingly LONG
From: Tuesdays With Morrie, By Mitch Albom
Have you found someone to share your heart with?" he asked.
"Are you giving to your community?"
"Are you at peace with yourself?"
"Are you trying to be as human as you can possibly be?"
. . . I did not have long discussion over egg salad sandwiches about the meaning of life. My days were full, yet I remained, much of the time, unsatisfied.
What happened to me?
... "Dying," Morrie suddenly said, is only one thing to be sad over, Mitch. Living unhappily is something else. So many of the people who come to visit me are unhappy." p. 34-35
"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning." p. 43
"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in."
His voice dropped to a whisper. "Let it come in. We think we don't deserve love, we think that if we let it in we'll become too soft. But a wise man named Levine said it right. He said, "Love is the only rational act.' " p. 52
"If you hold back on the emotions- if you don't allow yourself to go all the way through them- you can never get to being detached, you're too busy being afraid. You're afraid of the pain, you're afraid of the grief. You're afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails.
But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself to dive in, all the way, over your head even, you experience them fully and completely. You know what pain is, you know what love is. You know what grief is. And only then can you say, 'all right. I have experienced that emotion. I recognize that emotion. Now I need to detach from that emotion for a moment.' "... "When you learn how to die, you learn how to live." pg. 104
I thought about how often this was needed in every-day life. How we feel lonely, sometimes to the point of tears, but we don't let those tears come because we are not supposed to cry. Or how we feel a surge of love for a partner but we don't say anything because we're frozen with the fear of what those words might do to the relationship.
Morrie's approach was exactly the opposite. Turn on the faucet. Wash yourself with the emotion. It won't hurt you. It will only help. If you let the fear inside, if you pull it on like a familiar shirt, then you can say to yourself, "All right, it's just fear, I don't have to let it control me. I see it for what it is."
Same for loneliness: you let go, let the teas flow, feel it completely- but eventually be able to say, "All right that was my moment with loneliness. I'm not afraid of feeling lonely, but now I'm going to put that loneliness aside and know that there are other emotions in the world, and I'm going to experience them as well." p. 105
Why are we embarrassed by silence? What comfort do we find in all the noise? p. 53
"We've got a form of brainwashing going on in our country," Morrie sighed. "Do you know how they brainwash people? They repeat something over and over. And that's what we do in this country. Owning things is good. More money is good. More property is good. More commercialism is good. More is good. More is good. We repeat it-and have it repeated to us- over and over until nobody bothers to even think otherwise. The average person is so fogged up by all this, he has no perspective on what's really important anymore."
... "You know how I always interpreted that? These were people so hungry for love that they were accepting substitutes. They were embracing material things and expecting a sort of hug back. But it never works. You can't substitute material things for love[,] or for gentleness [,] or for tenderness [,] or for a sense of comradeship." p. 124-125
"Do the kinds of things that come from the heart. When you do, you won't be dissatisfied, you won't be envious, you won't be longing for somebody else's things. On the contrary, you'll be overwhelmed with what comes back." p. 128
The fact is, there is no foundation, no secure ground, upon which people may stand today if it isn't the family. It's become clear to me as I've been sick. If you don't have the support and love and caring concern that you get from a family, you don't have much at all. Love is so supremely important. As our great poet Auden said, "Love each other or perish."
Without love we are birds with broken wings. p. 91-92
What if you had one day[,] perfectly healthy, I asked? What would you do?
"... Let's see... I'd get up in the morning, do my exercises, have a lovely breakfast of sweet rolls and tea, go for a swim, then have my friends come over for a nice lunch. I'd have them come one or two at a time so we could talk about their families, their issues, talk about how much we mean to each other.
Then I'd like to go for a walk, in a garden with some tress, watch their colors, watch the birds, take in the nature that I haven't seen in so long now.
In the evening, we'd all go together to a restaurant with some great pasta, maybe some duck-I love duck- and then we'd dance the rest of the night. I'd dance with all the wonderful dance partners out there, until I was exhausted. And then I'd go home and have a deep wonderful sleep."
That's it?
"That's it."
It was so simple. So average. I was actually a little disappointed. I figured he'd fly to Italy or have lunch with the President or romp on the seashore or try every exotic thing he could think of. After all these months, lying there, unable to move a leg or a foot- how could he find perfection in such an average day?
Then I realized this was the whole point. p. 176
The Peacegiver
by James L. Ferrell, Deseret Book. (2004).
~"... when the Savior comes to you with the sins of others upon him, he offers you a view of others that only he knows. He begs you to see as he sees-- as One how knows every pain, insecurity, aspiration, and infirmity because he has taken them upon himself. He will show you others as he sees and loves them, and he will help you to see and love them that way as well, for he begs you not merely to un-gird your sword but to un-gird your heart. If you do, the miracle of his atonement will flow freely, and you, like David will put down war and take up bread and drink and sheep and figs."
... if we grant this forgiveness in full, he atones in full for the pain and burdens that have come at others' hands. He blesses us with his own love, his own appreciation, his own companionship, his own strength to endure. And if we have these, what do we lack? P. 70-71
The Lord's Atonement and Mercy
1. We are all of us sinners, entitled to nothing but hell and therefore utterly and equally depending on the mercies of the Lord. (Jonah)
2. I can receive of the Lord's mercy-and the happiness, healing, and peace that attend it--only to the extent I extend the same to others. (Jonah)
3. The Lord mercifully removes any justification for failing to extend mercy to others. (Abigail)
a. For the Lord has taken the sins of others upon his own head and personally atoned for them. (Abigail)
b. What possible justification could there be for demanding more for others' sins than the Lord has given? (Abigail)
4. I can recover mercy by remembering (a)Abigail's offering, (b) the Lord's question to Jonah, and (c) my own sins, the memory of which brings me to the Lord and invites me to rediscover his mercy and peace.
5. If I repent of failing to extend mercy, the Lord will supply me with everything I need and more--he will grant me his love, his companionship, his understanding, his support. He will make my burdens light. (Abigail) pg. 128-129
[I've never read such a great description of how Satan gets us to follow him!]}
~~He leadeth them by the neck with a flaxen cord until he bindeth them with his strong cords forever. 2Nephi 26:22
Rick suddenly plunged into the darkness beneath him. He found himself on the earth among throngs of people in a great mist of darkness. Some were laughing, others crying, still others walked in grim silence. All, however, were moving, even those who thought they were not. The mist was moving, and all within were moving as it moved. It was all very curious, as if the people were embedded within the mist--part of it, as it were--and so moved in unison with it.
Why don't they struggle against it! Rick wondered. Why do they simply follow?
Rick looked intently at the throng. Here and there he noticed the soft fluttering of the flaxen cord he had seen a few moments earlier, lighting on the people before him like the line of a master fly fisherman. The people never flinched under the cord's touch. They appeared to be unaware of its presence.
Rick focused more intently and noticed, to his astonishment, that the mist of darkness was made up entirely of this cord as it swirled in and around the children of men. Above his head, the fluttering, gray mists darkened steadily until they gathered as one into a funnel of metallic darkness in the skies overhead, ending finally in the grip of the great hand he had seen earlier.
And Satan looked up and laughed, and his angels rejoiced. Moses 7:26 pgs. 141-143
~~Consider the terrible irony,"..."We fought a battle in the heavens in order to protect this precious commodity of agency... and then as if we were central characters in a Greek tragedy, we come to this earth and exercise that agency in a way that effectively gives it away. pg. 153
... he became subject to the devil ...because he yielded unto temptation. (D&C 29:40) pg.157
... "One transgression, one choice away from the Lord, and what happens? The transgressor becomes blinded to his responsibility for sin, and he begins to fall into the captivity of the devil, which are the chains--the chains of sin-- that keep him from feeling the need or desire to return to the Savior. This is how we become subject to the will of the devil when we yield to temptation." pg. 160
Satan leads captive at his will those who do not hearken unto the Lord's voice. (see Moses 4:4)
We ARE subject to his will. Think about it. Do we always do what we know we should? Do we love, or forgive, or pray like we know we should?" ... so you see...we ARE subject to his will. Even in the face of knowledge, we choose away from the Lord. We find ourselves falling away from the diligent living of his commandments, and from the DESIRE to fully live them.
pg. 159-161
~~Losing sight of our sinfulness, we lose sight of our need for the One who has come to heal the sinner.
Precisely when we are most sinful and therefore most in need of repentance we least feel the desire or need to repent. This is the predicament of sin. And this is why the Lord himself declared, "I require the hearts of the children of men (D&C 64:22)." and why the prophets have uniformly declared that what is required is not just a cessation of sinful 'acts", but a mighty change in our heats. Only this mighty change of heart can loose us from the chains of hell." see Alma 5:10-14.
Knowledge for the mind is never by itself enough to break from the chains of sin. Such knowledge can be helpful, to be sure, but only if it leads you to him who is powerful to save. Salvation is not in a sentence... however profound. It is rather in a person--in the Messiah, come to earth, to deliver man from his sins.
..."in order to redeem us from the chains of sin, the Savior had to take upon himself all the chains that bind us to sin (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation pg. 1954-6)[.] ... He had to shoulder the burden of the combined weight of the sins of the world- our sinful desires, our predispositions and addictions toward sin, our darkened hearts. The scriptures declare that he suffered as well everything that might lead us to sin-our pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind (Alma 7:11)."
With all of this sinfulness heaped upon him, he then had to withstand the unimaginable onslaught of the entire power and fury of the forces of hell, and do so, as Paul described further, "yet remaining without sin (Alma 7:13)." For Satan knew that if he could wield the power of his captivity--the chains of our sinfulness that lay ready to bind the Savior - and entice the Savior to sin, he would bring the Savior into captivity as well. Then the destruction of agency would be complete, and mankind would be left without a way for their hearts to be purified and cleansed. There would therefore be no way for any of us to return to the Father, where only the clean and pure can dwell. pg. 176-7
The Lord [overcame] all... and [will forge] you a new heart--clean , pure, undefiled, free. pg. 178
"The captivity of sin has been broken! The Lord God Almighty has risen with "healing in his wings(Isiah )." He stretches forth his arms to the world, feeling after them with his Holy Spirit. He comes to each of us posing the questions he posed to Jonah [should I not save Nineveh?], pleading with us, as Abifgail did, to forgive, and literally dying to give us his Spirit and the new heat he has forged that will free us from the chains of our sins. "pg. 178-9
"When you tore your rotator cuff in college, Ricky, did you afterwards abuse your shoulder? By that I mean, did you get angry at it and treat it roughly?"
"Of course not."
Why not? It was causing you pain."
Becaus it was my own shoulder. What good would it do to hurt it further? I'd only be hurting myself."
"We are one with our bodies, and for that reason, we don't react to a pain in a member of the body by inflicting that member with more pain. On the contrarty, we dress it, succor it, and nurse it back to health. If anything, we love most those parts of us that bring us the most pain. For they need us the most, and we, them." pg. 181
Here is how you will know whether you are one with [them] when, as you would for a limb or a joint, you cheristh and nourish [them] when [they are] hurting. Do so, and you will feel nourished and cherished yourself." pg. 183
"It was given to me to know that we all shine forth a portion of the Lord's glory, and that we shine more brightly when we are living closest to him. Usually we do not perceive this light with our eyes, but you have felt it at times when you have been in the presence of saintly men and women ... this is because they live in tune with the Master. I noticed as I observed our lives that my light was growing dimmer. Something else that astonished me was that your grandmother's light was nearly always brighter than mine. ... Her light, too, was growing dimmer, however, with each succeeding year of our marriage, and at that moment, for the first time I started to feel sorry. I broke down and cried as I hadn't in years."
. . .
"It's not your marriage that needs saving, ... it's your love."
Learn to love [them] with my love, and then, whether your marriage continues or not, you will have gained a companion." Love [them] even if [they] choose to divorce you. Then you will be married indeed." pg. 186
I know the joy that was forged in Gethsemane. I know the Savior's mercy and love. I have felt it, I have bathed in it, I have been saved by it. And I continue to be saved by it every day. ... If I stand before you worthy, it is only because of the merits of the Son of God. pg 187.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Conference Pics.
Heather and Samie
Cindy sleeping on Ryan's lap.
Love the pillow Darren.
General Conference, the best four days of the year :D
Favorite messages and ponderings:
- "I love being with you grandma, but I need to move on with my life!"
- Pres. Monson's talk was amazing, and the story about the lady after WWII had me bawling my eyes out. The story is actually in my files as my favorite testimony, but hearing him tell it was much more poignant.
- Temples, there were so many talks about it! As I listened I analyzed my life, and realized that I am like the people the temple presidents talked about, who rush to do a session, but I need to take more time to concentrate/worship.
- Being healthy, I don't' remember who spoke abut the word of wisdom and being healthy, but I realized that I really need more sleep, better food, and to get back to exercising more often. That wasn't an expected message, but eye opening.
- It wasn't from a talk specifically, but I'm having issues with negativity. It seems that to every comment my family members would make (in our discussions after conference, about other topics, like the government etc.), I'd make a snide remark, or just all around negative one. I don't know where it comes from, or why I have turned into such a bleak-looker-outer, but this has got to stop! There are great things going on in the world, and I guess I've got to look for that, ON PURPOSE.
- This is actually from institute today: Forgiveness holds you back from progressing, and as you hold a grudge you deny the power of the atonement- in that person's life, and in your own. Seriously, I'm working on forgiving, but it is so hard to forgive someone who has hurt someone you love. Somehow it's easier when you've been hurt yourself, but someone you care about? Very hard. It's a process, and some things take time, but I want to be freed already.
- The comment about it being nice in your mom's basement hit me hard, even though mom said I could move upstairs for a change of scenery :). My only problem is that I still can't seem to decide what to do next in my life! The past few months have thrown me for a loop, and now I need to step back and see what I need to do. I guess the answer is to "listen to the still small voice" as I move on with my life, like that little 5 year old. I've come to the conclusion that I'll most likely be moving in the next few months, though I've thoroughly enjoyed living in Enoch and hanging out with my family/friends. I just feel like I need to move forward, learning and growing, and serving others after my "vacation."
As I've asked around, these are the places people have suggested:
- South Dakota, where I could live with my cousin Heidie, and help activate the 100+ prospective elders working at the oil rigs. I figure all I'll have to do is flip my hair, smile, and they'll be running for the church, lol. (suggested by my Aunt Wendy, not Heidie herself).
- North Carolina with my friend Joy, where the boys are polite southern boys, yet "real men" at the same time :D
- Missouri, with my cousin Brittney. I'd probably end up doing a lot of babysitting, but man, why not live in a place where you don't even need fertilizer/sprinklers for the garden?
- Back to Flagstaff to hang with my old friend Sterling and my cousin Lisle, who I swear is still 11, but somehow made it to college while I wasn't looking!
- Idaho, this was my own idea. There's a great rustic Lake Resort where I could live in a mini-cabin and work at the front desk again.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Birthday Celebrations
My sister Emily turned 17 a couple of days ago (tear for me, my baby is all grown up), so I thought it would be funny to include what a "true Robinson birthday" is like. Then both of my Robinson grandparents celebrated their 80th birthday this year, and were honored as Octagenerions during Paragoonah's birthday celebration. We sang some songs, and had a lot of fun reliving memories of our wild childhoods in Paragoonah. It's been a great week!
Finding her presents, with very cool wrapping.
Em's favorite food, Yaksoba. ~~~ with Ton-kat-su sauce.
B-day tie/cape/"crown"
All of us.
1. Aunt Wendy honoring Grandpa, 2. Aunt Shelly honoring Grandma, and 3. My dad/aunts singing "Green eyes crying in the rain."
Note: This is not a typical Mormon Birthday (people have googled "Mormon Birthday" and gotten this blog)!!! I don't know anyone who celebrates like we do, but I bet everyone wishes they did ;)
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Blind Dates