Friday, August 22, 2008

Moving Days

I've decided to embrace my insanity, and just accept the fact that I'm not like everyone else. I tried to be "normal" for the last two years, three months, and who knows how many days, but really I don't like to stay in one place for long. That's just the way it is. It's almost been three weeks now since my director pulled me into her office and told me of some concerns they have with me and my job. I went home and went over all of my concerns I have with them, and all of the things I didn't like about the job, and realized that my time in "happy valley" was over! I still feel bad about the way we left, but I'm so glad to be able to move again. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. My rental contract was up in two weeks, I had finished all of my classes for my bachelor's degree so I didn't need to stay in Orem/Provo for that, and I felt like my "please let me leave" prayers were finally being answered. I think I would have stayed in a miserable job for a lot longer if she didn't say the things she did, so I guess it was all part of the plan.

As soon as I decided to give my two weeks notice, it was now time to think of where I wanted to go. I've sort of settled on: staying at my parent's house for a couple of months and applying to grad school, then going to Florida and working at an Inn right next to the Everglades. Once that tourist season is over (Nov-Apr), I'll go to Alaska! I want to have fun again, travel, meet people who aren't LDS, and work in a new area of the country I haven't been. I'm excited to be back.

This answer to my prayers is one of my favorite: You don't have to do this anymore... I've had it twice now, and it has always been a relief. I'm still mad at God for a lot of things, but I can say that it seems to be all part of the plan. Why can't he just give me more of an idea of what the plan is? Oh well, I'm just happy that this part of my life is over!!!

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