This past week I've been feeling kind of left behind. Most people I know are married and have a couple of kids... I actually did think of two people who were in young women's with me who aren't married yet, but we aren't that close of friends so it doesn't count! It's like I got to the single stage of life then never moved on. While I've been sitting here at the 1 mile marker on the road of life, everyone else found the carpool lane, found a great spouse, who has a great job, and they've started their blissful family life... Wait, it's not LIKE that, it IS that. I miss Provo for one simple reason, (believe me this is the ONLY reason, I have a gazillion more reasons to be glad I'm out of there) and that is that my visiting teaching partner/teachees were all my age and still single. Here my hang out friends, group date people, people I work with (ok, I work for a family, and the parents are married), and even most Facebook buddies are all married. Not that marriage is a bad thing, it's just that sometimes I wish I were living in a different state where it is normal to get married in your late 20's.
I have no idea why things haven't exactly worked out as planned. I planned so many things it's ridiculous to look back on, and yet here I am making no money, living at my mom's, and oh no- still single. I guess I'm destined to get breast cancer and have down syndrome babies (from having babies after the "safe" age). Oh what a life I lead.
PS I'm actually really liking my life at the moment, until I look at everyone else and what they have. You "marrieds" really should be grateful to have families. If you want to reply that I should enjoy my single life while I have it, I have a few words for you: 10 years in a Single's Ward. Which would you rather?????
I miss having you come visit teach me! Honestly. . . that is one of the best things about where we are in life. . . at least we had each other.
I am glad I found your blog! I have one too, that you can link to from my comment.
Next time you are "up" our way, lets get together! -- Amber
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