Thursday, January 15, 2009

Today has been an interesting day. Nate and I talked on the phone, figured stuff out, and we're finally back to the good times. We sat on my couch in each other's arms, and for the first time in almost a month it wasn't like, "that's rubbing too hard (feet, neck, or shoulders), I can't breathe, your arm around my neck is bugging me, or your leg is bouncing the whole couch!" (all said by me). I am once again reminded of why guys are in the world. It's because life is better with them (even when they do drive you crazy). Sometimes I guess you just need to step back from living your every day life (my life lately has been sitting on the couch trying to be comfortable), and just be together. It's interesting what can be taken for granted, until you don't have it. Why is it only then that you realize how much you miss it?

I thought I was too exhausted for a relationship, but now I realize that having people in your life is what actually helps you through being exhausted! I am sooo grateful to my family, who have been there for me through this whole annoying sickness. I hate to think about what it would have been like if I was still living alone in my little cottage, trying to go up a silly ladder to get to my bed every day! Yeah for people, once you get past being bugged by them of course...

Besides that, I got a great book from the library today. Nate got the fabulous idea that we could read together, since I'm completely sick of TV, movies etc. The book is "The Last Lecture" by a professor giving his last lecture before his upcoming death from cancer. I found the actual lecture online at if you want to listen to it. It's not what I expected, but it's very good. I love the idea of reading together, and look forward to reading more tomorrow :D


Chani said...

I actually own that book, and I totally love it!

Tana and Bronson said...

Hey ... how are you? Doesn't seem to be your couple of weeks or dare I say year. I haven't heard of any of the goings on of late. Being totally neutral on the subject :) I'm glad to hear that you and Nate are reading together and perhaps just on hold. I hope that you find what you need in your life for rest and calm no matter where that comes from. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Hang in there. Try dancing around the kitchen to "I will survive" if that doesn't help try " I need a Hero" if still no success come up here and dance around my kitchen with could be the location :)Hope to see you soon.
P.S my comments won't always be this long I promise haha