Wednesday, February 4, 2009

No news is good news

I'm not sure where this cliche' came from, or what it actually means, but thought I'd used it. I do have news, but really don't feel much like writing it. I've probably procrastinated long enough, so here it goes: I am back to being a single, for reals, not dating anyone, Mormon. Nate and I broke up almost two weeks ago, but because of the responses last time, I didn't want to write here, or on Facebook. Oh well, at least I if it's written, I won't have to deal with the "are you engaged yet?" questions. What happened? Well, it was actually a completely different reason than the last time. It was just the same problem that keeps coming up (see the post about storming out to the stop sign at 1 am). Something just snapped inside of me, and I just didn't want to deal with it for the rest of my life, so we're done.

It's weird, but I actually have been feeling OK, like it was the right thing to do, and that we'll both be fine on our own- or with someone else. It's just hard to be this old, thinking of starting over again. I have a lot to be grateful for in this last relationship- I actually opened up again, let somebody in, dated for longer than a month, and all of the other things I thought I'd never do again as long a I lived! We had a basically healthy relationship, had fun, and ended without either one hating the other. Thanks Nate. See ya around.

1 comment:

sagewillow said...

well if is not meant to be is not meant to be. not matter which way you slice it, I'm glad that you are feeling ok and at peace about the break up and there are not what if's. I think part of the reason for last time's reactions from your various friends myself included was due to the fact that we all care for you and want to see you happy.
But if You are not truly blissfully happy while pursuing this past relationship there really was not point in continuing it. Like they say if not Him then someone Better. Trust the Lord There is someone out there for you, don't loose hope and be patient in the mean while focus on what The Lord sees fit for you to to work on.
ps:and remember there is not point crying over spilled milk (not that you are).