Saturday, May 16, 2009

1st week

My thoughts as things are slow at the lodge tonight:

I've seen some fun topics on blogs lately, so I might just try it: "Thankful Thursday," "Flashback Friday (Or Freaky Friday if anything scary happens)," "Wacky Wednesday (I have many of these days)," or I just might do some normal posts. I could even be original and put next week's post as "2nd Week!"

Well, I have definitely been reminded that life outside of the "Mormon Belt" just isn't the same. I've far exceeded my record of swear words I've heard in one day(at least in the past 6 years or so), as well as drunk people... but I've also met a lot of people who have passed my traveling job record! One guy has worked at 28 different resorts, 28! and I thought my measly 3 meant something. You ask anyone here where they've worked, and most people can tell you at least four of five places they've been.

I did Yoga today :D It's always so good for the soul, in concentration and relaxation. I wonder what the deer would think if I did it outside?

One sad thing is all of the red tape that international people deal with, just to work here. It makes me wonder why the US is so strict for them to get in legally, yet illegal immigration is so high? Maybe it's because the government is so strict? I've decided that I should live in the Philippines, because the workers here are considered rich (even though by our standards we are working for not much more than minimum wage... I don't know the actual wage yet, but housing and food is included so I have only gas and debt for expenses, no biggie). I could save for a year and be rich there! I've noticed that a lot of the international workers send money home. Hera said that her parents worked and worked to send her to college (she graduated in the hospitality industry, and was a housekeeper, now clerk here? Go figure) so she likes to be able to help them with her sibling's tuition now. My parents also work and work, and yet how often have I sent home some money??? They are good examples.

NUMBER ONE THING I'VE LEARNED: I SHOULD FIND A TRAVELING BUDDY! It's been pretty hard being one of the few non-drinking, non swearing, non dirty-talking people around... oh wait- I just found out that one of the servers is a youth minister. Very cool. What would he think if I invited him to a LDS service? What would the poor sacrament meeting speakers feel, if they knew he was there analyzing? I think it would be fun to visit the other churches around here... A few of the other workers were talking about him being religious, and they felt bad for their language when they found out. I thought, hey, don't you guys know I'm Mormon? Clean up your mouths around me too! It makes me wonder what I should do about that. I'm used to people asking, after I say that I'm from UT, "Are you Mormon?" then they just tone it down around me. Here, it seems that many have worked in UT, so maybe they just think that I just worked there? Interesting...

I can't wait for church tomorrow. I forgot how much you hunger and thirst for the spirit when it's not constantly in your environment :D Maybe this is just what I need: to be reminded what hungering feels like instead of doing things in a lackadaisical manner. Feast instead of nibble. That's my lesson!

Random question: If I ate some mushrooms that were sauteed in wine, did I break the Word of Wisdom? I'm hoping that it was all cooked out!

Last of all: I hope that my co-workers don't read this!


I heart baby buffalo. Can I take one home with me?

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