Moving, but only to Provo :(
You may be wondering why I am moving out of my adventurous, fairy tale like cottage. Well, it has been 9 months since I moved out on my own... I know I know, I swore I'd never live with roommates again (the last few places I lived weren't the best experiences), BUT newsflash to me: if you live
by yourself, and you're the Sunbeam teacher in a family ward, you're not going to have much of a social life! Hence the overabundance of family stuff on my facebook account/blog, with friends from past adventures. So now I figure it's time to find some normal, hopefully sane people to be around, who aren't in crisis ( I work at the Center for Women and Children in Crisis). I'm moving to an apartment close to BYU, with a gazillion roommates. Maybe sane-non-crisis people don't exist, but there's bound to be one in a gazillion right? I could be wrong, and if so I'm sure I'll be rushing back to my hermitage; but I'm a big believer in silver linings. Here's for hoping!
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