Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mount Rushmore Trip with My Filipino Buddies

Pictures are above(I just got into photobucket,love it)... There were others too, but this was my carload. For some reason these guys wanted a picture of me every second! I sort of felt like a celebrity, until one of the other girls said, "Why does everyone want to take her picture?" I really don't know why... I just know there's tons.

Yes I drove, and yes, we got separated from the group once! I tried to warn Paul that I get lost easily, but I was one of the few who can drive. This was a great day. And NO I don't like any of my buddies like that, they are all married, or have kids a few years younger than me! (I know what you were thinking).


the Bartlett fam said...

Hello! I can't believe you moved to SD! I haven't been online for a while, so I hadn't checked. Wow!

carrielyshous said...

Yah, I couldn't take being normal anymore :) Come visit!!!