Thursday, June 25, 2009

Book Review

Things that make the world better: Frosting crackers (I tried peanut butter crackers with cream cheese frosting, and it was good. Try it!), and spiritual activity. After a terrible, horribly bad day, I went to Rapid to attend institute, ate some frosting on crackers, and the world was good again. I haven't been back to work yet, but I have all hope that it will be a better day.

On to the book review:
I've been trying to get into "The Scarlet Letter," and it has been a hard read. While the other classics that I've tried to read have ended in an unfinished pile, I am determined to complete this one!
So far this is what I've gotten from the book:

~ I've wondered if the sex offender registry is a modern day example of the scarlet letter, which the wearer must be adorned for life?

~ I think that one of the main thesis' of the book is the question of whether it is worse for a sinner to be publicly shamed, or to be silent- suffering torturous thoughts of shame inside. I think for one thing, true repentance involves confession, and with that confession comes eventual cleansing. This book definitely shows the demonic effects of un-confessed sin. I do not wish for that to be on my conscience! The scarlet letter, in a way was freeing, as well as damning.

~ Hester, the wearer of the Scarlet Letter is an interesting character. She is ostracized from society because of adultery, and pretty much becomes a shadow of her former self. It makes me wonder if the wearing away of personality is from the original sin, or the way it was dealt with. Perhaps both? Honestly, repentance to me is there to make us better people, not to rob the person of who they are.

All in all, it's very interesting. I should be finished with it by tomorrow. What should be my next book? I have a lot of flimsy reads, which should be a good break from all this thinking :)

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