Sunday, March 15, 2009

Abuse--- don't worry it's short.

As I've listened to people talking about the celebrities dealing with domestic violence, one thought has come to mind: The question should be:


People need to get over blaming abuse on the victims. Seriously, get over it.

Disclaimer: I believe everyone is responsible for their own actions. Women can expect respect, and if they don't get it, they are responsible for their decisions in relation to that. Men are responsible for how they treat women, and need to take accountability for that. It just bugs me to death that few blame the men, expecting them to change/repent. It's like they're helpless, and since they can't help themselves it falls on the woman to leave. Ugggh

1 comment:

sagewillow said...

I agree with you on the whole not blaming the victim, however if you are in an abusive relationship and you are hoping and praying that he one day is going to stop using you as a punching bag, you might as well just buy your burial plot at the cemetery.
The smart thing to do is to empower the victim and remove her from the situation until the abuser has gotten the necessary help, NO abuser ever stopped on his own and to think that this particular person whom you are referring to is going to just wake up one morning and smell the roses sort of speak and say jeez I should stop beating her up, is not only Ludicrous but moronic.
Most ppl revert to what they know, specially under duress if "the abuser" all he knows is violence because is all he seem, you can bet that he will repeat it unless re-condition and taught the necessary tools to stop himself from loosing control and reverting back to the bad habits learned during childhood.