Friday, March 27, 2009


Sorry for the long posts, you're probably bored... All I can say about the time line post is that you should look at the year we met or something and forget about the rest.

Ok, more on the trip to AZ: I love the Grandys! The saddest part of leaving was the fact that Rachel didn't like the idea of us taking her three month old twins with us. Seriously, wouldn't you want some sleep after 3 months without it? We could always bring them back in a few months, or we could just take one. I can't believe the distraction dance didn't work on her :D We would have tried for Thayne too, but Alyssa already had him with her on their way to ID.

My favorite parts of the trip: the game Quelf, and Amanda singing "You're so Vain" without Talmage realizing that the game had started. Then there was Annie trying to tickle Rick. I don't think I've ever laughed that hard! Random pictures are always fun. I now have "THE PICTURE" scanned, and hope to upload it soon :D :D :D We also saw a train in Flagstaff, and it brought back so many memories. I never got tired of hearing the train whistles while I was there.

Random things about the trip- 1. March is a weird time to travel. We drove over Cedar Mountain with snow, down to Paige where it's warm, then to cold Flag., and down to Phoenix in summer like weather. Not many trips require every single type of clothing you own. 2. I figured out, after stopping for probably the fourth time, that my key chain will hold the plastic wheel cover in place! It kept falling down and scraping along the road, of course sounding like something was dreadfully wrong with the engine, so I wrapped the elastic thing around it...It worked, but now how do I hook my keys to my purse?

I love having friends that when you see them again, it seems like you've never left. I think I giggled more in one day than I have in the last year. I swear it's like I revert back to the age I was when I first met them. Fun fun fun.

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