Friday, March 6, 2009

This I feel

I've found that one of the greatest sorrows in my life is to realize how many of my friends (and the number seems to be growing) decide to walk away from the glorious truths of the gospel. There have been times in my life that I haven't been close to the spirit, times when I've loved others more than God, and times when I was more despairing than I thought imaginable because of it. During those times I looked back and saw where I once was, and knew I wanted that peace and direction that the spirit gives again. With that said, seeing others taking the hard road saddens me. It just breaks my heart- knowing how much the spirit helps me in my life- to see my friends just slowly slip away. It makes me wonder how our Heavenly Father feels. He sees many of His children suffer, yet they refuse His loving hand that is outstretched to help them.

I wish we could see more than what is going on here and now. How fickle we human beings can be. What can I do for my friends? I want them to feel what I feel, and know what I know. I only hope my prayers will help.

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