Sunday, March 1, 2009


Today the scriptures came alive for me. This could have something to do with my stake women's conference yesterday, but more on that later... I was reading Elder Hales' talk about Christian Courage, and he spoke of Nehemiah. I realized that I don't really remember the story so I looked it up! What an example he was. Nehemiah was the cup bearer to the king of Persia, who ruled the Jews in captivity, after Nebuchadnezzar. Nehemiah heard that Jerusalem was in ruins, and he had the courage to speak to the king. Surprisingly, he got permission to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls and gates of the city. Nehemiah had each person build up a part of the wall, then made sure they were armed with weapons because the surrounding people hated the idea of the Jews returning. The story reminded me of Captain Moroni, a story I know much better. I now realize that I've neglected the Old Testament for a long time, and it's time for that to change.

As I read of Nehemiah, I felt inspired to:
1. have courage, be believing, and trust in God. There were so many things against the people, yet they persevered.

2. This kind of goes with it, but to plead with Heavenly Father for help in hard tasks. It's another testament of how one person can be a huge influence for good.

3. Each person was given a section of the wall to build, and it's the same for us. We only have to worry about our section of the world, or our circle of influence. I found it interesting that each person or group was named and what part they were in charge of. It may have been small, but together the people did a great work.

4. The passages even mentioned singers for the temple. Does anyone know more about that? Maybe it was like the organists and ward choirs of today? Apparently even then, more than work was needed. I love it that the Lord has given us things to uplift and make us happy, like music to help us along our path of life.

5. After the wall was complete the people were able to build houses inside the wall. There was physical protection. Then Ezra read the Law of Moses, which apparently hadn't been kept while in captivity. All of the people repented, agreeing to follow the commandments again (spiritual protection, we need both)! This made me think of King Benjamin, and general conference in the present time. How repentant am I after hearing the words of the prophets?

6. Even though the Jews were in captivity and ruled by the Persians, God saw fit to make things happen for his glory. What if Nehemiah wasn't given the assignment of cup bearer? What if the king was hard-hearted against the people? I love it that Heavenly Father will give us personal revelation, and the courage to act, even when things aren't going right in our lives. Am I "waiting for lightning, while He quietly whispers my name?" (from the song, Walk on, by Machael Webb).

7. Heavenly Father makes situations happen. Sometimes it is the tiniest, hardest to see events, that eventually lead to Jerusalem for Nehemiah, or exaltation for me and you! I think of Joseph Smith and his family. You could say it was just droughts and poverty that brought his family to New York, but the way I see it the world waited for thousands of years for that drought, figuratively and realistically. How did Joseph end up just miles away from the Gold plates? I know it was God's power that brought him there. I can see it so easily in other's lives, but sometimes it's hard to see in my own. How can loosing everything, once again, be good for me? I have the feeling that I won't have to wait for 1,000 years to see the Lord's hand in my life. There are already small blessings I can see now.

It's times like these that make me want to shout for joy. Maybe I don't feel completely void of fear, but in this moment when I'm feeling the spirit strongly, everything else seems to melt away. I am at peace.

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