Friday, March 20, 2009

TAG- Ten Year Timeline

My aunt said the, "Your life is so exciting!" phrase the other day. I think we must have different definitions of exciting. I know a lot of people get mixed up with the shear number of crazy things in my life, so maybe this will straighten it out (you might want to draw a map).

Here is a Time-line from the past 10 years of my life:

1999- Attended and graduated from Evans Hairstyling College (NO I didn't drop out, I just didn't work in a Salon. 1 year was enough torture for me.) - I rarely tell people this, because I'm not the "type." I don't really wear a lot of make up, and I feel insecure about my abilities ten years later!
~Moved to Orem, and worked at: Feature Films For Families (met Melissa, my cousin's wife's best friend, and we're still "Christmas card friends") , RISE working with disabled
adults, and Seagull Book and Tape (I loved the patrons, but hated selling). Lived with my cousin Heidi and two others in a basement apartment. Bought my first (used) car, Mandy.

2000- Attended UVSC part time and lived with my Aunt Cheryl for the first time. Made friends with nick names like "shallow weed." Became an institute groupie, went to 6 and 7 am leadership meetings, and knew "everybody" who walked in. I moved back to Cedar City for the "Magical Summer" where we stayed up until 3 am almost every night, doing things like the Wal-mart game, Christmas in July, scrapbooking, and singing at the rest home (that was during the day). Moved back to Orem, and attended UVSC where I started dating Jeremy.

2001- First "almost engaged" story, as in he "unofficially" asked me (no ring), then prayed about it, and a month later he got a "No." I thought I got a "Yes." My first broken heart experience, that took me two years to get over.
~I worked at Western Watts, good old surveys :) BYU 100th ward is probably my favorite singles ward! We all lived within a block of each other, and bonded over our ghetto apartments. Still Christmas- card- friends with "Sambora." Took my first cross-country road trip from UT to Maine, with eight people, in two weeks! First try-to-go-on-a-mission-story, but it didn't work out, mainly because of money issues.
~Moved back to Cedar, worked at Adventureland Video, moved out with Abigail my sister's best friend, and started "Twinner Days" with my sister Emily. First nephew, Caleb Ray Bailey was born to my sister Sheri. The only complicated pregnancy so far, we were so glad he was healthy.

2002 I attended SUU for one semester, went swimming at 6:30 most mornings, enjoyed taking institute/computers with my sis. Kathy, and the Love Basket that we'd leave for e/o. Planned Yosemite, my sister Kristy, cousin Brian, and I worked in the national park for the summer. I loved it so much that I didn't come back in August, but stayed until Dec. Kristy and I lived in a tent cabin (true love of my life, I want one in my back yard) in "Boys Town," the place that another member wouldn't let his wife walk through, and I lived in a dorm once they left. Maybe I should have stayed? I went back to Utah for school, after a trip to Portland by myself (dumb) on a train, thankfully nothing bad happened! "Twinner Days" became "Hay Hay Hay days", with Darren, Emily, and me.

Attended SUU for a second hard semester, and got through it by planning another work/touring place: Cape Cod Mass. This time I went alone, but had Hayley, a roommate from BYU, who actually helped me dress like a normal person :), worked at the Lighthouse Inn, met great people, and had a "three guy summer." I'm sorry boys, I was a wreck! Missed the two best family reunions (by the ocean, and at Martin's Cove), and seeing Sheri's new baby, Samantha Jean Bailey until she was a couple of months old.
~Long distance dated Dan when I got home in Oct... I visited Mass. again and got my 2nd broken heart, but it was worse, because I was left on the other side of the country for a week after it was over! At least my other friends made it bearable.
~Bought my second car, Big Blue (though he was white), who would talk: "Please fasten your seat belt" and when you did, "Thank you."

2004 Dated lots of guys. There were 8 guys that either I liked, they liked me, or we liked each other. I came up with nick names so Kristy could know which one I was talking about (old man, Montana boy, etc.). I finally decided that I should be serious, and dated Luke (from BYU 100th), even though he was moving to New York! We were "engaged to be engaged" because I was already wary of engagements. We got "Officially Engaged" in Dec. First (and only so far) ring, which I lost!
~Worked as a special ed aide, and later as a respite provider for one of the boys in that class, and another littler girl. Loved it! Lived in Orem with Cheryl again, then moved to a condo with 3 roommates at 2 different times (who knew I'd be the one to stay when others moved?), worst living quarters- we shared a shower between rooms, with the shower doors leading into the bedrooms. The one time I actually yelled at a roommate! Met two good friends, and came up with the names Britt, Libby, and John (me), during an all-nighter at a ward camp out. Bishop Taylor remains one of the best.

2005 The craziest year so far (Hayley, this is the story) : I broke off the engagement to Luke after a very rocky 5 months (he's a simple physicist, and I'm a complex social work type), received my endowments in the St. George Temple (after asking every bishop since I was 18, I finally got to go!!!! it felt like I had come home), the same day as my brother and sister, planned a mission again and felt really good about it, graduated from UVSC with an Associates, got back together with Dan, he was supportive of the mission idea, but he came from Mass. to visit and it was over (BIG sign if you can't handle dating in person). I think I moved from Orem to Cedar and back about three times, worked as a custodian and took phone surveys again, got a mission call (Best day of my life)!!! then three days later met Erick.
~We moved WAY fast, he asked me to pray about staying home, but I said I'd cut off his arm if he tried to keep me from a mission, he said I was stubborn (how did he know that would make me do it?)... I eventually prayed... and got a huge answer while in the temple that I should stay home. Really, if it was just a good feeling or something I wouldn't have done it, but that is one revelation I can't deny. I thought my heart was broken, but didn't know the half of it. About 3(?) weeks later Erick broke up with me.
~I had nothing left: I didn't have a place to live, no job, no mission, and now no boyfriend. I was not happy with Heavenly Father. Wanted to get away, and (shocker) decided to move again. I had driven through Flagstaff AZ once, and thought it would be a nice place to live some day, and now it dawned on me that no one there knew of my "exciting" life to ask about! That's where I went. I met some great people again, worked at a before/after school program and later as a special ed aide, had the best roommates-now Facebook friends, and the greatest bishop of all time.
~Dated Big John from Joseph City. Another LDR (Long distance relationship) !??!, but at least he only lived an hour away instead of two time zones away. What is my problem? That was the year I talked seriously about marrying 4 guys. FOUR. I still can't believe it.

2006 Felt like I should move back to UT to finish school, but the idea made me sick. Provo, are you kidding me? I finally did it, but it was not fun. Everywhere I went I was haunted by guy history :( and it didn't help that Dan had moved to UT and was going to UVSC (we did not get back together this time, seriously I think I just liked the imaginary, long distance person). Oh, I forgot to mention that the 2 years I could have been on a mission, but stayed home because of an answer, was the time three of my younger sisters got married, and my brother actually got to go on a mission. I would rather have been on Mt. Everest- unable to breathe, than be around my family that year. I asked questions like: Why did I stay home from the mission? Why did I have to move back to Provo? Why couldn't I just be a hermit- without a phone- to tell me of another sibling whose plans work out? Kathy had Elina Mae Caine. so cute, even if it was unbearable being around the rest of the fam!
~After a year & 1/2 of not being able to go (AZ schools are expensive), I actually loved school! I would have dropped out during the earlier semesters, if it wasn't for the Pell Grant that I'd have to pay back. This time I got in the groove and actually talked to my professors and classmates, instead of being such a worry wort, redoing papers about 5 times. My favorite class of all time: Power Yoga. Now this is a skill I can use throughout my life. Oh to balance like I used to... Bought my third and best working car, but no name. Maybe that's the key!

Basically the same as 2006, but I became a busy-holic, getting really involved with school, volunteering, etc. I worked at the UVSC library, Christie's Universal Interiors, and interned then worked at the Center for Women and Children In Crisis. Yeah for fantastic co-workers!! Meghan and Ally, the UVSC aides, I love you guys :D
~It was still hard to deal with the fam. especially when my sister got to go through the temple at 18, and my brother got home. There was Christmas drama as well, but that too turned out better than I expected. Kristy had grandbaby #4, Kaden Nathan Cook.
~I was sick of roommates after a couple of dumb situations. Lived with Cheryl again, then moved out on my own to a cottage, even including a loft. For Christmas we had 19 people in my tiny studio apartment- size- cottage! Started hanging out with Jana and Megan from the ward, So fun!

Worked at the crisis center (dv and rape), volunteered on the Utah County Rape Crisis Team, and was a research assistant for a professor (i.e. data entry, and test scoring) dealing with hyper-sexual adults. A volunteer said that I must be hyper-sexual (because it seemed that my life revolved around that subject)! It's still hard to have a positive outlook on life. I became a mediator on the court roster, working with parents and teens with truancy issues. Graduated but didn't walk (I already did for the Associates) from UVU two days before it changed to a university. Applied to grad school! Ok it was only one, and obviously I haven't gone yet.
~ My niece Jenna was born (to the nineteen year old sister), and somehow visiting her made me like my family again. How does a baby change things? I only know it did for me. "Hay Hay Hay Days" became "DAEs (sibling dates)," with Darren, Annie, Emily and me . Other babies: Sheri had Thomas Alan Bailey, and Kathy had Aaron Thomas Caine.
~Loved my singles ward, mainly because a lot of the people were my age. Visiting Teaching has never been so fun. I miss that. I became less mad at God, really passage of time calms things quite a bit.
~ Moved to Cedar City, with the intention of going to Florida and Alaska before grad school.... only I fell in love with Southern Utah again, met Nate, started dating, and decided to stay for awhile. Worked with a little disabled boy, and learned how to make breakfast for a large family. I think the breakfasts that actually turned out well were more exciting than an A grade :)

2009- See previous posts :D , basically I got Mono & EBV for two(ish) months and was glad it wasn't the possible 18 months for adults. I broke up with Nate, the second serious relationship that I have broken off, came to the conclusion that it is harder to be the "dumper" than the "dumpee," I really hope I haven't ruined his life. I lost my job because I was sick, and you can't leave a disabled child alone for two months...
~Now I've begun to feel too busy to have a job (yes I'm still looking, but I don't know what I want exactly)! I've read more than I have in a long time, found exciting family history info, and started projects that I never had time for before. I'm having fun, though the thought of starting over -yet again- wasn't too exciting at first. I have lived in Enoch of all places for 7 months, and I am actually hoping to find a job HERE rather than moving again. WOW, things change. The idea of staying at home as anything used to terrify me, I like working, but now I'm loving my stay at home- sister role :D
~Kristy had Autumn Elizabeth Cook. Baby #8, making the girls and boys even. Who is next in the baby race? My next goal/plan: buy an RV and take all of my nieces/nephews touring with me during the summers.



carrielyshous said...

Probably TMI (Too much information, I debated actually posting this one.)

Eric and Hayley said...

Carrie I just love you! Your life is fully of some exciting drama. Isn't it just amazing to look at where/who you are now and then 5 years ago and see who you've become. Life is hard, but don't you love it! :)