Friday, October 9, 2009

All things Mormon, or Mormon-ese

Mormons are a Peculiar People- different in happy ways from the world, or just plain weird :D Here are some basic phrases/acronyms that Mormons use that others might not understand:

LDS- Latter Day Saints, we prefer to call ourselves this, instead of Mormons. The official name of the church is "The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints." We don't worship Mormon, though he was a great prophet who compiled much of the Book of Mormon. Hence the name.

Book of Mormon. It's a book made up of writings from prophets on the American Continent. They were written on gold plates, and found by revelation by Joseph Smith in the 1800's. The Book of Mormon assists the Bible in teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.

WE ARE CHRISTIANS! We rejoice, worship, and talk of Christ. One thing that is different from other Christian churches is that we believe that God and Jesus Christ have bodies of flesh and bones, while the Holy Ghost is a spirit. These three make up the Godhead, but are separate beings with different responsibilities. They are one in purpose, might, and power; perfectly united as one.

MTC- Missionary Training Center, not Empty Sea :) Missionaries go there to study the gospel and learn ways to teach before leaving for 2 or 1 1/2 years to bring people to Christ.

YSA- Young Single Adults- I am one for now, until I turn 31. Then I'll be a MSA? I'm not quite sure.

Ward or Branch: A congregation, typically ranging from 100 people to 600. We are assigned a ward depending on where we live. Single adults have a branch or ward all their own, if there are enough of them around. We once called Nantucket, MA the "twig" because there were only 2 LDS people there.

Stake or District: a bigger area consisting of a group of wards.

Baptisms for the Dead: We believe that people's spirits return to God in the afterlife, and that essential ordinances need to be done while on earth for those who weren't able to be baptized etc. in this life. We are baptized BY PROXY for those ancestors and others who have gone before us. We do not dig up dead people from cemeteries! Everyone has a chance to accept or reject the option of baptism, on the other side of the veil. We just want everyone to have that opportunity.

Prophets/Apostles: The gospel was restored through Joseph Smith, the first prophet of this dispensation -and we have a living prophet, and apostles who guide us today!

General Conference- a meeting with the entire church, in Salt Lake City, UT. (also broadcast to the world). We sustain (vote, and acknowledge that we will follow their counsel) new people who are called to serve, being responsible for the entire church. This includes prophets, apostles, 70's, and other general authorities.

Callings- everything in the church is done by volunteers- though some positions are paid, if the responsibilities are such that there is not time for a full time job (General Authorities, Seminary teachers, etc.). When you are asked by your priesthood leader to a certain position, that is called a calling. You can accept it or reject it, but blessings come as you stretch yourself, or let God stretch you, to be able to do the hard callings. A calling for a woman could be working with children in the Primary, Young Women's program, Relief Society (women's organization), Scouting, Ward Activities Committee, etc.

Green Jello- We have a lot of ward activities, and a lot of potlucks. Jello is easy and a tasty "salad" so LDS people tend to eat it a lot. People get very creative with jello, sometimes adding awful ingredients, but mostly it's another treat. Green? I'm not sure why it's so popular, but it's one of the things UT is known for.

See or for more great things: Priesthood authority, temples, forever families, Plan of Salvation, Grace, Ensign/Liahona, Relief Society, Humanitarian Services, food storage, and the list goes on. I love the gospel!

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