Saturday, October 10, 2009

Spiritual Side of things

So, after a couple of weeks, it's about time I post about the exciting church meetings I've been to recently.

On Sept. 26th I was able to attend a leadership meeting for my stake for Relief Society (Women's Organization). It was exciting to hear about the way things run from the stake level, because I've really only thought of it from a smaller perspective. We spoke of being prepared and what all of the wards are doing to help one another be prepared for anything to loosing a job, or natural disasters. One president has an entire binder dedicated to preparedness, and they have activities regularly, dedicated to different topics with preparedness. I'd like to get that binder :)

The Stake President spoke of the relationship between the priesthood and the sisters. I loved that he spent a lot of time showing that following blindly isn't what it's about. If we have concerns, it is our responsibility to bring them up! We are not to do whatever the priesthood says, just because they are our leaders. We are to serve and lead with them. We also need to be charitable and kind, not overrunning anyone, but working together for the common good.

The most exciting part of the meeting, for me at least, was when the Stake Young Women's 1st councilor got up. She said that Sister Elaine S. Dalton came to visit a Young Women's Event in South Dakota, and she had some exciting news. Women of all ages can get the new young women's medallion! I want so badly to do this program again, because it's been awhile since I've made goals like I did then, and I can see great potential for spiritual progress. I'm trying to get the booklets etc. to give to my sisters in Relief Society, as my last act as RS Pres, before I leave. Sis. Dalton said that women do 10 hour service projects EVERY DAY and that should be celebrated. You are not supposed to mark off your own goals, but you are to have someone (roommate, husband, RS pres. etc. ) sign each goal that you've accomplished. Again, it's supposed to be celebrated. Apparently they are getting a new medallion, and we are going to want it :D What a great time to be alive.

The Relief Society Broadcast
This year the broadcast was amazing- but I think I was overloaded by that time, because I'd been at the church since 3pm :) It was great to be with the entire stake watching the meeting, and feeling of every body's spirit. I loved Sister Thompson's talk. 1. Because she is single, and 2, she spoke of her plans when she was younger. She planned on getting married early, having four perfect children, not going to school or having to work etc. But in reality, she never married, went to get at least a Master's degree, and worked in her field for many years. She said that nothing really had turned out as planned, except her plan to be a life long, contributing member of the church. I really needed to hear that, because I was struggling with the idea of changing plans, and the fact no matter how many times I try to plan something, it never seems to turn out. I realized that life isn't about OUR plans turning out, but it's about OUR WILLINGNESS TO FOLLOW THE LORD'S PLAN for us. It was a good message in a needed moment. I'm so grateful for the wonderful women of the church ,and their examples of service and dedication. I too want to be able to say, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him." Job 13: 15

Also, she spoke of a sign, "Mind the Gap." between the truth, and our ideas of the truth, i.e. our identities as daughters of God, who loves us, instead of feeling like we're horrible people. I'll now look over the talks from General Conference, and the General Relief Society Broadcast-I made a goal for personal progress in relation to it :D :D- and fill you in on more talks to come.

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