Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Ok, I have been sitting here at my mom's computer for the past hour or so, trying to download Picasa so I could upload pictures, but alas it has all been for naught. No pictures to speak of :P I'll just have to write a real post with pictures later, when I can get to a "normal" computer. Basically, the trip was really fun, better than expected relationship wise (you never know if someone will be different in person, but Seth is pretty much the same as on the phone. In this instance, it was much more fun being with him than just talking from far away.) I'm planning on moving to Vernal, UT soon, and I'll let you know if anything else happens. I thought I'd be starting my job soon, but it's actually just filling out paperwork next Monday, so I might be a little bored for the few weeks it takes to get the background check done :( . That means plenty of time to upload these stubborn pictures!!! I really will write more later, with full details ;), but now I'm aggravated at all things involving computers. Good night!

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