Sunday, September 6, 2009

Busy week highlights (starting on Thurs, going to next Sunday)
Thursday Night: Chuckwagon dinner with my coworkers :D It was a whole lot of fun, but would have been more fun with kids.

From September, chuck wagon dinner.

From September, chuck wagon dinner.

"Hokey Pokey"

From September, chuck wagon dinner.

Friday Night: Met with the missionaries and Joey/Joel. Joel wants to play basket ball in the full court at the church.
Saturday Night: Marshmellow/s'more night, ended up back at the dorm fire because we got kicked out of the Sheridan Lake group campsite :P
Sunday: I have to work, but it's all in the name of attending the temple. Which is worse, working on Sunday, or not going to the temple when you have the chance? Emily left :'( , and we ate lunch at the Stevensons. Love them!

Monday: I'll hike Harney and maybe Little Devil's Tower with a group of missionaries- including sisters, don't get any ideas, though I think I should give them Annie's address so they can get together when they get home.

From September, chuckwagon, Jewel Cave, etc.

From September, chuck wagon dinner.

Tues: Institute opening social. BBQ and volley ball, should be a blast.
Wednesday: Movie night with Sierra! I love her, and hope to love the movie, Julie and Julia.
Thursday: no plans yet. - maybe Rapid again with the guys to play ball, since they aren't coming on Tues. anymore.
Friday: Driving my roommate, Erica to the airport :'( Everyone is leaving. Then leaving at 2 am for the temple!
Saturday: Temple Trip!!!!!!!!!!!!! This time I'll tell everyone to pose for a picture.
Sunday: I hope to have it completely off, for -the first time in awhile- no night auditing, OR front desk clerking. Maybe I'll make it to Mark's sister's for FHE

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