Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ode to my "storage unit"

To the Dearest Loveliest Trunk
of my little black car,

Have I mentioned how much I appreciate you?

Just the fact that I could look inside you right now, and find such wonders as my swimming suit, between 5-10 empty water bottles (I plan on filling them up for emergencies), and my suit case, which happens to have extra clothes and at times shoes;
make me sit in awe of your capabilities.

You hold my things with such care, and even though the past few years I've overused you by leaving those marvelous things in your spacey unit for months on end,

you don't complain,
and still get great gas mileage!

What more could a girl ask for?

Though I move from place to place, you've been there for me.

Through thick and thin, through mud and snow, and even through the kamikaze grasshoppers!

Again, what more could a girl ask for???

Perfection only comes around once in awhile- and as soon as I get another jack to give to your welcoming unit, you will be perfect once again.

Thank you,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.



Cynthia said...

haha I was laughing the whole time I read this. That's great!

Kristy said...

I love you my crazy sister! This one was so funny.