Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Multiple Choice

Is driving an hour to get to a Redbox, then driving another hour the next day to return it:
a. Crazy
b. Completely logical and understandable
c. Frivolous
d. What needs to be done once in awhile, just to get a taste of reality, and to keep the insanity at bay.

I would say the A & C, but I'm already going to be going to Rapid every day this week, so I figure I might as well pick up a movie! Now, is driving two hours a day, just to go to things like institute, or to watch a movie in a theater:

a. Crazy
b. Completely logical and understandable
c. Frivolous
d. What needs to be done once in awhile, to get a taste of reality.

D Definitely!

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