Friday, September 18, 2009

Caving- The story of me not knowing I didn't have to work until 5 :)

After waiting a few days for the surprise factor (not that I'm lazy or get distracted at all), here is what happened:

The front desk manager and two of us clerks have been planning a trip to Jewel Cave, which is the second longest cave in the U.S., for a long time. Ruby set up the schedule specially so we could go at the same time and were supposed to be leaving at 1 so we could get there by 2 for the tour. I forgot all about it, thinking it was the next day, so I went jogging behind the lake that morning... I ended up going on the Sunday Gulch hike, which is a whole lot longer than usual, and I didn't have my phone with me... I went to eat in the employee dining room, and Ruby was down there. We talked for awhile and finally she asked, "are you ready to go?" There I was in my work out/hiking, sweaty glory, and I really hoped she was joking. "Isn't it tomorrow?" No, we're supposed to leave at 1! It was already 1... so I ran back to the dorms, showered, changed, and picked up the girls. We barely made it to the cave in time, and when we got there I had to run back because we had purses that aren't allowed in the cave. After the adventure underground, we got back just in time for me to go to work, at 5pm instead of the 2pm I expected. It was a fun but tiring day :D

From September, chuck wagon dinner.

From September, chuck wagon dinner.

From September, chuck wagon dinner.

From September, chuck wagon dinner.

From September, chuck wagon dinner.

From September, chuck wagon dinner.

Well, you could call it caving, but we went on an official tour, with a ranger to guide us. We didn't go through the miseries, which is so narrow that you have to military crawl for about 1/2 mile, taking your waste out with you, gross! Jewel Cave is a pretty neat cave, very long, and it has some large rooms to view... but I don't think I'm really into caves as much as others. I would've been fine with the 20 minute overview, but we were there for 1 1/2 hrs, and it seemed long. It was fun, and different, so all in all it was a good day.

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