Saturday, September 19, 2009

Here's the thing.

I hate my job with a passion lately. I don't know why it's so much harder than it used to be, because now every complaining/yelling/demanding guest makes me want to QUIT as in RIGHT NOW. I used to, in my previous resort gigs, take complaints like nothing else, then go on like nothing had happened- we had more in Yosemite because we charged more for the rooms, and had about 5 rooms that EVERY DAY we'd hear from guests about... why is it so much more difficult now? 25 more days, 25 more days... how is that supposed to help, when I dread coming into work, and each day seems like an eternity? It's a good thing the plane ticket has been paid for, because I really would quit if not, or if the front desk didn't need me... ugh.

My assumptions:
1. I am old, and the whole "work for dirt, and get treated worse than dirt" isn't so adventurous anymore.
2. Maybe I'm more soft and wimpy now? I don't know about that, because I know I can still pack a punch, when it comes to saying mean things to the people closest to me. Too bad that wimpy-ness hasn't reached the other areas in my life.
3. It must be the air up here!! Though it's only about 700 feet above Cedar City in elevation, it must be the thin air.
4. After working with people in real need, spoiled tourists annoy me.
5. There aren't bears here, only deer. Who wants to handle rude people, when you can't even go bear searching? lol

My blog is too self obsessed, so here's the scoop on my familia:

Sheri: She was supposed to come visit me, but it looks like she'll be traveling to the East Coast instead :P Oh well. I'll try to live without them... but everything is closing anyway, so it wouldn't have been as fun as during the summer anyway. She's still homeschooling her three kids, and they're still the most energetic kids I've met.

Kathy: Dealing with lots of bumps and bruises lately in her family. Bryce biffed it on his bike and had to get stitches, Elina fell on/off? her bike and knocked her teeth, hopefully not making them dead permanently, and Aaron fell out of his stroller right before I called last. Too bad you can't child/adult proof the great outdoors! She's the most stable one of any of us, and even makes her own bread :)

Kristy: Is moving to their own house soon! Her babies are growing up too fast for my liking, but are oohhh so cute. Kristy's house is going to be, if it isn't official yet, the family gathering place any time we go to the Provo area. Thankfully she's moving into a big house, just for the occasion :D She still takes care of our family shared Verizon plan, which isn't too easy seeing who is on the plan. :D Go Koo ris E tae!

Skot: is as crazy as usual- the only one in college right now. Weird. Maybe I'll join him soon, which should be easy, since he has about 4 years left. He went skinny dipping!!!!!! This might be normal for other families, but I come from a practically puritan-prim -mostly girls- family. I remember when he got back from his mission and walked around in a towel- I still can't get over it.

Cindy: She's dealing without her Ryan for awhile :( She's become my errand runner for birthdays, because I've had her get things like flowers, balloons, and gift certificates for birthdays in Cedar. Thanks Cindy, you're a strong person- keeping up with Jenna, baby #2, Ryan being gone, living at Kathy's, and of course listening to me when I call. Hugs and kisses :*

Annie: is going to be a nanny in New Jersey!!! Nanny Annie, nanny Annie. She's dead if she even thinks of leaving before I get home... of course if she leaves, that means I'll simply have to visit her soon, so maybe it's all right if I only see her at general conference. The family seems nice, and hopefully not psychotic :)

Emily: she's as crazy as usual, adding more stuff to her already full schedule. Someday she'll slow down, but probably not until she's 100 and has to use a cane! She's the most "normal" American Teen that our family has seen.

Darren: Loves being back in UT, boo hoo :'( but good for him. He's still in Success, so he can get his Associates' when he graduates high school, he's also in track and cross country, and in a couple of choirs I think. I miss him.

Other "family" : WE MISS AND LOVE YOU GRANDYs!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Emily Beu said...

hey friend! i'm sorry your life sucks right now, but don't worry, things usually get worse before they get better. hows that for inspiration? The sad thing is people will always need you. no matter how tired you are of taking care of them, wether they be guests or friends. i guess thats what you get for being such a great person. hang in there!