Friday, September 18, 2009

Some Days- or best/worst of times

Some days it's hard to wake up at 5 am after working until 10 pm the night before.

Some days I really want to quit. Today it's because we're offering a special for 1/2off the price if you stay for two nights, BUT groups don't count. Guess how many spit-fire-mad wedding guests we get? Why would the park do this to us???? The extra money is not worth the stress. Whoever decided to not include groups should sit here at the desk when people refuse to sign that they'll pay, yell across the lobby that they'll be contacting the governor etc. etc. etc.

Some days I just want to move on...


Some days the sunrise is pretty :)

Some days my hair works with me, even when I'm bleary eyed with sleep.

Some days I get sweet guests who check out- loving their stay, and spend a few minutes talking about New York with me. :D

(I had to stretch back to previous days for the following)
Some days I get to talk to friends and family, and they keep me laughing throughout the whole conversation.

Some days I get to visit tourist spots for free with my VIP card

Some days I go with friends to said tourist spots, take silly pictures, then share them with the world.

Some days I even remember that I work at 5pm instead of 2pm! But that days wasn't Wednesday (story and pictures to follow)


Rachel said...

Talk about grouchy customers. ...and stupid hotel planners ... you would think that the deal would attracted groups quicker then anyone else because they are the ones who needed to save as much as possible.

Rachel said...

Did you walk into work three hours early, that is funny!

carrielyshous said...

No kidding! People who think of these things are rediculous- now for some reason a few (3) people got the deal, and the others in the party didn't. This is going to be fun when they all check out tomorrow.